April 14, 2009

art feature for Wilderness House Literary Review

A collection of 12 photographs from my documentary Ridiculous and Sublime: Life in an Inner-City Franciscan Monastery is the art feature for the local Wilderness House Literary Review online. I included audio clips from the trailer as the captions.

Check it out and read some great poetry too! The Wilderness House Literary Review.

The film is moving along slowly and surely. This week I am interviewing Brother Masseao who just joined the community this year. A novice's perspective should be interesting!

In related news, I gave my first (of many!) public talks about the film yesterday at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education. The audience was as interested in my story and process with the monastery as about the Brothers themselves, which is interesting feedback for me. The trailer and all accompanying media was well received.

1 comment:

Jessica Atcheson said...

Yay Momers! Yay monks! :)