Here’s a selection of pictures from the last week. Starting with a day in Hudson with Laura D (she’s awesome, check out her blog). This is my tea in a mug made by Laura’s boyfriend.
LD herself.
That afternoon we had an amazing crepe around the corner from her house.
The next day I walked through town to meet my friend Erin and noticed this display on Main Street.
Then I ran into another friend named Laura and her newly adopted dog Isabella.
Erin and I had brunch and then coffee, yum.
Erin soaking up the sun.
Erin took this one of me thinking deep thoughts with cappuccino in-hand as I do every Sunday morning.
Today Sara and I walked the loop around Benedict Pond in Beartown State Forest.
Today I was scanning more images for the forthcoming website for the film about the Little Brothers of Saint Francis. In the mix, I found photos from my last summer living in Boston. I had these awesome roommates and cats in a sweet apartment in JP...
I am selling photos at SoWa this summer—an open air art market in Boston's beautiful and artsy South End. One more date left: come visit on Sept 27.
See my portfolio at