July 29, 2009


"Mr. Gotsill's Tree," Yarmouthport, MA

This summer has been my first time participating in an art market where I put my personal work out there for others to purchase. It’s been eye-opening talking to people about my photographs and discovering what images appeal to them and why.

This is a collection of the best-selling images so far. A lot of black and white, all but one originating from a 35mm negative.

Sinking bike near a river, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

View of the Golden Gate Bridge from Berkeley, CA

St. Marc’s Square, Venice

Venetian Staircase

“Best view of Boston,” Charles MGH subway stop

Moss Staircase, County Clare, Ireland


Sara Parrilli said...

which photo, which size?

Unknown said...

Is that Mr. Gotsill as in Mr. Gotsill-Mr. Gotsill? Thought he commuted down from Maine while he taught. Did he move to Ma?

Anyway, I'd be pretty curious to know the story behind that shot.

Might even buy a print :)

--Nick Savage